Empowering a Brighter Future with Discover Solar

Welcome to Discover Solar, where our passion for progress shines as brightly as the sun.

I'm Wes Wells, and my journey to founding Discover Solar Sales has been as transformative as the energy solutions we offer. With 15 years of corporate America experience leading dynamic sales teams across the Northeast, I made the bold decision to step away from the familiar and embrace the potential of the digital frontier.

The transition wasn't immediate—it took years of dedication, learning, and adapting to acquire the skills necessary to thrive online. But thrive we did. After scaling several ventures to six and seven figures, my focus shifted. It was time for a change—a change that not only drives success but also fosters a positive impact on our world.

That's why Discover Solar was born. We're more than a solar sales company; we're a team united by a shared vision to empower individuals with sustainable choices that benefit their wallets and the planet. Our mission is clear: harness the sun's power to make a difference in people's lives and safeguard our environment for future generations.

Our staff reflects our commitment—experienced, courteous, and deeply invested in guiding our clients toward a brighter future. We bring all that we've learned from our past successes to the table, ensuring an approach to solar sales that is as effective as conscientious.

At Discover Solar, we believe in selling more than just a product; we're offering a pathway to energy independence, financial savings, and an opportunity to participate in the global shift toward renewable resources. Join us on this journey, and let's illuminate the possibilities together.

Warm regards,

Wes Wells
Founder of Discover Solar Sales